Qixi lake/昆明池·七夕公园

The Qixi lake, located South-West of nowadays Xian is a large artificial lake, first dug in the Han dynasty during the emperor Wudi’s reign, around 2000 years ago. With almost 17 km2, triple the size of the famous Hangzhou West lake. The initial purpose, the lake was constructed for, included military training to which also the name of the lake refers. The story goes, in the old days the emperor Wudi sent troups to India, however due to a battle around Kunming, they were defeated and failed to reach their destination. Therefore, in order to counter this defeat, the emperor ordered Kunming lake to be build. And train waterborne forces just there.

Nowadays the lake is in use as water reservoir to contain the rain water falling in the nearby mountains. And as tourist attraction to showcase rebuilt sculptures, that give an impression of the magnificence of the troops and grandeur of the time. The highlight being a huge rebuilt ship on which the emperor himself commands his troops.

At night fall, the sculptures and ornaments light up in vivid colors against the dark sky.

How to get there?

By public transport: bus 833 from metrostation Yuhuaqiao/ 鱼化桥 (line 3), busstop Kunmingchi/昆明池, 24 minutes. Or 1214 from Wang temple/ 王寺 (line 5), 14 minutes both go there. From the busstop it’s another 15 minute walk into the park.

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Published by Xander van Buchem

Life-style expert, born and raised in the Netherlands, majored in Business Administration. Language capabilities: Dutch (native), English (fluent), German (intermediate), Chinese (HSK4). I followed project management modules on linkedin, and am experienced with Microsoft office and project software. I also have extensive experience as customer service/sales assistant. I have lived in China for 6+ years, currently in Xian. Over the years I accumulated much life experience, increased my cultural understanding, learned to speak Chinese, travelled to many places. Area’s of consultation I could advice on include: travelling, lifestyle: healthy nutrition, meditation, fitness, massage. On the side I do project-related work, translations, proof-reading, language tutoring.

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